5 Ways to Improve Quality of Life for seniors

Studies show that the average life expectancy of our elderly population has increased thanks to the rapid advances in geriatric care. While this is definitely a happy trend, this leads to another very pertinent question. Is this increase in life span enjoyed by the elderly? Simply put, do they lead a happy and independent life in their golden years?

Listed below are 5 ways by which we can improve our senior citizens’ quality of life:

Encourage Physical Activity

• Any form of physical activity benefits the elderly immensely.

• This does not mean indulging in high-intensity activities – even something as relaxing as a walk down the street helps.

• Regular physical activity will help prevent a number of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc., and the immune system will also get a boost.

• Emotionally too, it helps keep senior citizens happy by giving them a feeling of independence. 

Make Sure Their Homes are Safe

• Falls can be debilitating and sometimes fatal for our senior citizens.

• If an older adult lives alone, loved ones should conduct periodic checks of their homes to make sure the home is safe. Given below are a few pointers:

  1. Install handrails in bathrooms
  2. Pin up any stray wires on the floor
  3. Ensure proper lighting near staircases
  4. Bathroom mats should be slip-resistant
  5. Mats and rugs that slide along the floor should be removed
  6. Make regular visits, or if that is not possible, make sure to give them a call to check on them

Look Out for Signs of Depression

• Depression can set in due to a number of reasons - the loss of a loved one, having nothing to do, being dependent on others, etc.

• Sometimes, certain medications could also lead to depression.

• Older adults often might not realize they are suffering from depression. It is up to us to recognize the signs. Watch out for:

  1. Complaints of a physical problem worsening
  2. Reduced personal hygiene
  3. Loss of memory
  4. Problems falling asleep
  5. Talking about death

Make Them Feel Needed

• Many senior citizens view themselves as a burden to their children. Help them believe it is not so.

• Give them jobs they can handle – sorting out the grocery, helping with shopping, helping while cooking, etc.

• Make sure to give them jobs that are safe and can be handled by themselves.

Help Them Stay in Touch with Friends and Family

• Organize a get-together and take them to it. There is nothing they enjoy more than spending time with loved ones.

• Now because of the pandemic, physical get-togethers are not possible. Help them get acquainted with using the laptop and online meeting apps. They will surely thank you for it.

While you are doing all this to make sure they are content, do remember that professional medical care is also always available. Bone and joint problems being common among the elderly, it is best to get them treated quickly. A Google search with the terms ‘orthopedic surgeon near me’ will help find a doctor close to them.
